Bumimulia Indah Lestari Detail Project
PT Bumimulia Indah Lestari , worked together to install a solar energy system that has a capacity of over 752 kWp at one of Bumimulia Indah Lestari factories located in Cilegon, Banten.
Spesification : 752 kWp
Location : Jl. Raya Merak KM. 116, Gerem,, Grogol, Kec. Purwakarta, Cilegon,
Overview : Medium-scale On-Grid Concrete Roof and Roof PV Power Plant – 752kWp, Huawei Inverters, and Jinko Solar PV Module Feasibility Study, Interconnection Study, Front-End Engineering Design, Procurement, Construction, System Start-up, and Commissioning,